Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crazy Afghan

Hi! I made this afghan a while back, but I just haven't mailed it out anywhere yet. It's really a fun afghan, made with many different sized squares. Through my charity yahoo group I asked members to send in crochet squares of any size they wanted to. Then, I gathered up several, and made strips of them that were the same length, although different widths. Then, I just sewed them together, and I have a nice afghan that is a lot of colors! I'll definately be making more of these, as I have a few more random sized squares here and there. It makes it a lot easier than trying to get 40 squares all the same size, I just got about 10 at a time, depending on the size, evened out.

I'm still not sure where I'll send this one, but likely, either to my local Project Linus group, where we donate afghans to hospitals, nursing homes, homeless shelters.

This would be a great project for anyone who has "homeless squares" from those projects where you think you're going to make squares for a blanket, but after 5 or so, you decide the pattern is just not worth it. You know what I mean. :) The only thing I'd mention though, is that I tried not to put two squares of the same color next to eachother. Otherwise, it's random! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Julee aka Jewls said...

That's pretty victoria!! Great job to you and everyone else who worked on it!! Thumbs up!!