Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fun Scarves

Hi! I made up these scarves last night and this morning, and they were so fun and fast to make, I had to tell you about them. Friday, I went to Hobby Lobby, and I saw that they had some of this Yarn Bee yarn on sale from $6.50ish to $1.99, and they had a scarf knitted up out of the yarn. It just melted, it was so soft! So, I bought 4 skeins, of different colors, thinking I might knit up a scarf out of it for charity. (lol, so much for knitting, I decided to crochet!) The yarn is called Yarn Bee Italia, and it comes in 4 oz. skeins. I did a simple V-Stitch pattern, where the base chain is 13, done with a K hook. It came out to about 5" in diameter, and about 6' tall. The one that's on the seat of the chair I made with a base chain of 16, and it's a little wider, but only about 4 1/2 feet tall, so I'll stick to the slightly thinner ones. I really like long scarves, so I'll make them for others who might like long ones. I think I'll be sending these to this charity, but I will likely make more for the kids in foster care this fall.
Happy Sunday!!

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